Agenda and Guidelines

General Meeting Agenda

  • 4 pm – 6 pm : Registration (Desk at University of Maribor)
  • 5  pm – 6.30 pm : Meeting of HPT EFCE
  • 6 pm – 10 pm : Welcome reception at Minorite Church

Gathering starts at 6 pm
Official program starts at 7 pm

The symposium will take place at the University of Maribor.

It will start at 9 a.m on Monday 27.5.2024.

Registration desk will be open from 8 a.m.

The closing ceremony will be held at 3 p.m on Wednesday 29.05.2024.  

It will be followed by an option visit of laboratories. 

City guided tour, old vine museum and wine tasting from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Guided tour will start in front of the University building.

We are happy to propose post-conference one-day trips as follow : 

LJUBLJANA – GREEN CAPITOL OF SLOVENIA, duration 8 – 10 hours, 179 €/participant
GORENJSKA – SUNNY SIDE OF ALPS : duration 10-12 hours, 194 €/participant
WINEYARDS – Ptuj, Jeruzalem. duration 6 hours, 155 €/part

Please notice that those trips will have to be paid as an extra. 

Please contact and book directly the trip to (transport to airport with additionnal fees are possible). 

Matej Pajnik : 

Scientific program

If there are any changes concerning the presenting author, possible typing errors, etc. write directly to our email:

Poster information

The size for the poster is format A0 Width x Height (in mm) 841 mm x 1189 mm (or 33” x 46.81”). Each poster board at the meeting will have a designated paper number assigned to each board. Your paper number will be the same as the paper number listed in the programme booklet, which you will receive at the Registration Desk.

Lecture information

Plenary lectures: 40 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion

Keynote lectures: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion 

Lectures: 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion

We are appealing to the Presenters to strictly stick to the timing to avoid unnecessary program delay.
